Monday, April 2, 2018

Your Focus of Attention

What is your predominant focus of attention?
How often do you focus on what's missing in your life? On what's wrong with others, yourself, the weather? How often do you complain about politics? About the youth? About your in-laws?

Simply notice without judging yourself. Notice how your conscious or unconscious "choice" of focus is affecting you emotionally, mentally, or even physically.

Falling in Love with Life
A couple of years ago, I listened to Matthew Fox, a free thinking Episcopal priest and author Original Blessings. He was full of life and passion even as an old man. Mr Fox, an avid activist, told us he made a point of falling in love with life every day.  

You Can Choose Gratitude as a Recurring Focus of Attention
Based on research at the Institute of HeartMath, sustained feelings of appreciation and gratitude have been found to:

• Improve hormonal balance and increase the production of DHEA, the "anti-aging" hormone. Quite literally, it could help you live longer.

• Boost your immune system by influencing the production of IgA antibodies, part of your defense against foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria.

• Positive Accumulative Effects: The more you practice, the easier it gets to tap into these positive and energizing emotions. You are affecting and reinforcing certain neural pathways. The flip can reinforce negative emotions as well. You may want to reread my first paragraph.

Our habitual focus of attention affects our happiness. It affects our decisions, and it affects our ability and willingness to participate fully in the human experience.

When you shift your focus from what is absent
to what is present,
from what is missing

to what has been given,
from what you are not
to who you are,
from the ravages of linear time 

to the immediacy of Now,
you are reconnecting with 
love, truth and beauty, 
and abundance is yours, 
~ Jeff Foster

BodyTalk is a holistic approach to health and wellness that can assist you in shifting stressful habits, including dysfunctional focuses of attention. This can have a tremendous effect on your health and well-being, as well as impacting other people in your life.


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