Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Power of Your Heart

Let's consider the magnificent potential of our heart and its capacity for intuitive wisdom, love and compassion.

My own journey into a more serious exploration of love started with a "broken" heart in my mid twenties. It surprised me how physically empty and hollow it felt like inside my chest cavity. After two months of being more or less immobilized, I realized it was time to join the living again. 

Rather than trying to find "the love of my life," I decided a more useful approach was to work on my own capacity to love. I started reading books like The Art of Loving by philosopher Erich Fromm, The Road Less Traveled by psychiatrist Scott Peck, and Love & Will by psychologist Rollo May. This exploration included trying on a wide variety of different religious and spiritual paths. I did some volunteer work, took various workshops, and did some meditation without being able to stick with it. All in all I figured that one of the reasons we attend "earth school" is to work on our ability to love and be compassionate. Yet, looking back, much of the time I've actually been stuck in my head, stuck in my own limited stories, stuck in dysfunctional beliefs, attitudes, and perspectives. 

When we allow ourselves to come from our heart space it makes us more intelligent. Brain scans done on people experiencing unconditional love show greater brain activity, which facilities a more intelligent response to life, and more creativity. Having a consistent gratitude practice and working on forgiving others and yourself, and cultivating empathy and compassion are all ways to help your brain work better according to findings at the HeartMath Institute. 

HeartMath Institute
The heart is a highly complex, self-organized information processing center with its own functional "brain" that communicates with and influences the cranial brain via the nervous system, hormonal system and other pathways. These influences profoundly affect brain function and most of the body's major organs, and ultimately determine the quality of life. 

Your Hearts Intuitive Power
Check this out.

According to research done by the HeartMath Institute (HMI), the electromagnetic component produced by the heart and measured in amplitude is about 60 times greater that the amplitude produced by the brain. This results in a magnetic field measuring up to 5000 times stronger around the heart compared to that of the brain, according to magnetometers. So it really is a no-brainer that the heart is best suited to be the captain of our ship.

HMI has done pioneering work regarding how to actualize our heart's intuitive intelligence. Here's a short and beautiful video about your heart's intelligenceHMI has developed simple tools to better utilize our heart's intelligence and to create more joy, less stress, and greater physical health in our life.

For a brief overview of research conducted by HMI, click here.

Matrix Energetics
Back in 2015, I attended a workshop conducted by Chiropractor and Naturopathic Doctor, Richard Bartlett, and author Melissa Joy Johnson. It was a great reminder of the importance of our heart field. As participants, we were continually encouraged to drop our attention down into our heart field while practicing what was taught in the workshop. With over 100 people doing this, it was an amazing experience that brought up a lot of joy and laughter and allowed for healing shifts to happen. I actually collapsed to the floor laughing a few times and experienced things I didn't think was possible.

This approach to transformation complements Doctor John Veltheim's work, the founder of BodyTalk. Both approaches draws on Quantum Physics concepts like the Observer effect as well as tapping into the power of the heart brain. 

Heart Chakra
One of numerous heart related concepts coming up in BodyTalk sessions is your heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest. It radiates out from both the front and the back of your body.
Medical Intuitive Caroline Myss calls it the central powerhouse of the human energy system. It nourishes our emotional growth and represents our ability to love, to forgive, and to act with kindness. For a quick introduction to the chakra system by Myss, go here.
By dropping our attention from our head down to our heart center, we can come from a very different place compared to that of our often critical and judging mind.

An open and balanced heart chakra will physically benefit your heart and circulatory system, ribs, breasts, thymus gland, lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, and diaphragm.

Simply holding the intent of coming from your heart will start changing your life. 

One thing is for sure: once you make your own paradigm shift from the head to the heart, life will be a lot more fun. ~Doc Childre, founder of HMI and co-author of The HeartMath Solution

Source: The Power of the Heart by Baptist de Pape & The HeartMath Institute

From my heart to yours,

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